Melanoma Diagnosis Via Teledermatology
March 18th 2023Erik Jaklitsch of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine presented findings today at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology that suggest that teledermatology might be useful for shortening the time to treatment for melanoma patients.
Eva Parker, M.D. , of Vanderbilt Talks Effects of Climate Change on Skin Infections
March 17th 2023Eva R. Parker, MD, associate professor of dermatology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and president of the Nashville Dermatologic Society, addressed how climate change is already increasing the incidence of some skin-related conditions at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology in New Orleans.
Emma Guttman-Yassky of Icahn School of Medicine Talks Developments in Atopic Dermatitis Treatment
March 17th 2023Emma Guttman-Yassky, M.D., Ph.D. of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York discussed developments in atopic dermatitis treatment, more specifically with therapies like rocatinlimab and other anti-OX4 agents today at the annual American Academy of Dermatology meeting in New Orleans.
Haley Naik, M.D., Discusses Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Annual AAD Meeting
March 17th 2023Haley Naik, M.D., associate professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, led a discussion about hidradenitis suppurativa today at the annual American Academy of Dermatology meeting in New Orleans.
Monica Li, M.D., Discusses Advances in Microneedling Techniques at AAD Annual Meeting
March 17th 2023Monica Li, M.D., clinical instructor in Department of Dermatology and Skin Science at University of British Columbia, led a session on advances in microneedling today at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology in New Orleans.
Reimbursable Remote Care For Patients in Need, The Future of Remote Care
March 5th 2023In this second part of a two-part video series, Bronwyn Spira of Force Therapeutics talked to Managed Healthcare Executive about CMS' new CPT codes that were introduced in 2022. These codes help more patients in underserved populations receive better access to care as barriers like cost and transportation are removed through remote care.
How CMS CPT Codes Are Assisting Underserved Musculoskeletal Patients
March 3rd 2023Bronwyn Spira of Force Therapeutics talked to Managed Healthcare Executive about CMS' new CPT codes that were introduced in 2022. These codes focus on musculoskeletal and respiratory conditions and the data collected from patients affected. According to Spira, these codes help more patients in underserved populations receive better access to care as barriers like cost and transportation are removed through remote care.
Rich Priore of Tulane University Talks Financial Concerns on Healthcare After PHE Expiration
February 16th 2023Rich Priore, Sc.D., M.H.A., a clinical associate professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Tulane University addresses how hospitals will be affected on the cost and revenue side after the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency expires May 11.
Medicare Telehealth Services Remain Up In the Air Amid PHE Expiration
February 12th 2023Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, some Medicare telehealth flexibilities will extend until December 31, 2024, though significant questions remain for the future of telehealth, especially in the Medicare program.
Rich Priore Believes Investing in Public Health Can Bring Things Around Once PHE Expires
February 10th 2023Rich Priore, Sc.D., M.H.A., a clinical associate professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Tulane University, said if Americans invested in health prevention and wellness, fewer would be in hospitals and the cost of care would lower.
Alternative Ways to Address Disparities Outside of Telehealth
February 5th 2023Founder and managing partner of Third Culture Capital (3CC), Julien Pham, expressed that funding for telehealth is on the decline and will only continue on this path. Pham explained why this is happening and shared alternative routes of care organizations can take to address disparities and improve access to care.