Paul Kelly on PBM Reform as a Means to an End: A 'Pay For' for Telehealth Flexibilities


Although bills that would make comprehensive changes to the PBM industry have advanced in Congress, Paul Kelly, a veteran healthcare lobbyist, says a limited version that saves Medicare money may pass as an offsetting "pay for" for extension of more liberal rules for telehealth services that Medicare covers.

Paul Kelly, of Capitol Advocacy & Government Affairs, LLC and a veteran healthcare lobbyist in Washington, D.C., says that a limited version of PBM reform may pass Congress after the November election that serves as a "pay for" for the extension of the Medicare telehealth flexibilities that were permitted during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Kelly says the House Ways and Means has OKed a two-year extension of the telehealth flexibilities that includes some limited PBM reform provisions as a way of offsetting the costs of liberalizing the rules for telehealth services that Medicare will cover.

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