The Potential of ENV-101 in Treating Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Cancer | 2024 ATS


Editors spoke with Endeavor BioMedicines CEO John Hood about ENV-101, a novel Hedgehog inhibitor, in which he shared results on from a recent phase 2 clinical trial during this year's American Thoracic Society conference.

Rather than most current inhibitors that are used in cancer treatment, ENV-101 offers improved tolerability with fewer severe muscle spasms.

"The tolerability of the existing approved drugs for oncology is pretty poor," Hood shared. "They cause really bad muscle spasms and that doesn't happen with our drug. There are some muscle spasms, but they tend to be very mild and easily mitigated. So that's the biggest difference really, with our drug versus the approved."

The drug targets the Hedgehog signaling pathway in both idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and some cancers.

Following promising phase two results, Endeavor plans a phase two B trial this fall, aiming to begin phase three trials by 2026 for potential FDA approval.

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