2024 Prediction from Brianna Zink, M.S.N.


Brianna Zink, M.S.N, is the Senior Director of Health Care Product Strategy at Infor. She says staff ratios will become a burden in 2024.

We asked our readers and some members of our editorial advisory board to make predictions for 2024. Here's what Brianna Zink, M.S.N., had to say:

“Approaching the final stretch of 2023, the United States has seen at least 13 healthcare worker strikes and narrowly avoided many more. Each of these strikes has at least one component in common — safe staffing.

2024 will mark 25 years of California’s safe staffing laws, implementing nursing staff ratios in hospitals. As more states adopt nursing staffing ratios, we will see that these measures do not address the core issues of healthcare delivery. Even if these proposed mandates provide considerations for changes (as Oregon does), they still set the stage for the standard and could prove to be an obstacle for change, keeping these processes stagnant for many years to come.”

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