Why Mental Health Experts Should Tap into TikTok


Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of progress has been made toward a better future, but it’s clear there’s still significant room for improvement. While progress is made in one area, other issues that live beneath the surface bubble up. That’s certainly the case for the current state of mental health.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of progress has been made toward a better future, but it’s clear there’s still significant room for improvement. While progress is made in one area, other issues that live beneath the surface bubble up.That’s certainly the case for the current state of mental health.

According to researchers at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, more than one-third of 950 Americans reported feeling lonely, at least “frequently,” just over the past month. To make matters more concerning, the CDC has linked the pandemic to rising cases of anxiety and depression.

That being said, right now is a critical time for mental health experts to increase their visibility among the countless people who need support. One low-hanging fruit to provide mental health support is through sharing nuggets of health-related information through social media platforms, like TikTok.

An example to note is Dr. Julie Smith, a psychologist on TikTok, who regularly posts tips and tricks for her audience regarding various matters including body image, anxiety and prioritizing mental health in general. Throughout the pandemic, TikTok has acted as a helpful resource for the mental health community, and all experts should consider establishing a presence on the platform.

While diving into the TikTok universe may seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. In this piece, you’ll find resources to help you get started, as well as ensure your content is reaching the people who need it most.

How easy-to-use video editing tools can save the day

While video creation is perceived as expensive and inaccessible, it’s actually quite the opposite. In fact, tapping third party easy-to-use video editing tools like Storyblocks’ Maker or Adobe’s Creative Cloud will alleviate a lot of the stress that goes along with video creation. These tools can provide professional templates, stock footage, music tracks, photos, customization opportunities, and more. Simply put, they will streamline the entire video creation process by reducing time and complexity, making it easy for you to produce a polished product.

Editing tools can completely replace the need for expensive production companies and videographers. Taking the leap and getting acclimated to video is one of most valuable things to consider in order to generate opportunities and grow clientele - and practice makes perfect.

Tips for getting in front of target audiences on TikTok

Before you share your video on TikTok, it’s incredibly important to be mindful of the content being shared on social media platforms like Tiktok to ensure that everything is compliant with medical guidelines. While a lot of creators are doing good by spreading awareness around their mental health struggles, the question of “what’s next?” is inevitably posed for vulnerable viewers - and this is where the counsel of certified experts must come into play. In addition, always be a proponent of fighting against misinformation to prevent fake news, as TikTok is extremely accessible to most people.

Maximizing the influence of the micro-communities that have been established on TikTok is an important way to build community and grow on the platform. TikTok recently published its rising trends report which sheds light on the current micro-communities resonating best with today’s consumers; it’s advantageous to sift through the list and see how to get involved with these popular communities. For reference, some of the key mental-health based subject matters on TikTok include ADHD, blindness and addiction, among others.

When uploading content on TikTok, be sure to optimize key hashtags like #MentalHealthMatters or #MentalHealth. This will help drop videos into the most relevant categories. In turn, this will help ensure that the content is getting in front of the people who are more likely to consume and engage with the content. For certified physicians, tapping into trending hashtags such as #DoctorsOfTikTok or #TikTokDocs can give non-patients an understanding of their style of care and demeanor.

TikTok’s #ForYou function recommends content to users based on interactions, video information and account settings. In order to gain the most traction, it’s advised to take these guidelines into consideration in order to maximize visibility on the platform, as creators believe adding this function has helped them gain views.

There’s no doubting the success of TikTok and its projected growth, which is estimated to have 73.7 million users on the platform this year. With more people joining the platform each day, that brings additional, new opportunities for mental health experts to provide support to those who need it. Don’t be afraid to jump in - download TikTok and explore easy-to-use video editing tools today, to make a difference in the broader mental health community tomorrow.

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