Top 5 states with Medicare Advantage cuts


The American Action Forum data breaks down the variation in MA cuts by state-a large percentage of the cuts coming from changes in payment formulas

New analysis from the American Action Forum indicates ACA cuts to Medicare Advantage plans will total $716 billion.

Top 5 states with Medicare Advantage cuts

Change from 2014 to 2015


State                                       Baseline Cut

District of Columbia                -6.73%

Louisiana                                -5.37%

Texas                                      -5.11%

Alabama                                 -6.67%

New Mexico                           -4.52%


Source: American Action Forum


NEXT: 2 states with MA increases >>>


2 states with Medicare Advantage increases

Change from 2014 to 2015


State                                       Baseline Increase

Connecticut                            +1.91%

Alaska                                    +0.03%


*Puerto Rico also gains +2.06%


Source: American Action Forum


NEXT: 5 states with lowest MA cuts >>>


5 states with the lowest Medicare Advantage cuts

Change from 2014 to 2015


State                                       Baseline Cut

North Dakota                         -0.61%

Michigan                                -0.63%

Montana                                -1.22%

Maryland                               -1.47%

Maine                                    -1.78%


Source: American Action Forum


NEXT: National numbers >>>


National Numbers


Total Medicare Advantage enrollment                                            38,388,580

Baseline average change from 2014 to 2015 (dollars)                  -$317.04

Baseline average change from 2014 to 2015 (percent)                 -3.07%

Baseline average change pre-ACA to post-ACA (dollars)              $1,537.56

Baseline average change pre-ACA to post-ACA (percent)            -13.32%


Source: American Action Forum

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