Digital Health Assistant Company Offers Generics for $25 Monthly Subscription


Renee Dua, M.D., chief strategy officer at Renee, discusses the digital health assistant and its subscription-based services for generic drugs.

A digital health assistant company, Renee, is offering subscribers access to 500 of the most commonly used generic drugs for a $25 a month fee. The company offers free delivery and no copays or hidden fees.

Founded by Renee Dua, M.D., and Nick Desai, Renee uses proprietary technology and human concierges to help subscribers transfer prescriptions, schedule doctor’s appointments, pay for and deliver prescribed medications, remind the member to take their medications, track their adherence and vitals and schedule timely refills. Any person regardless of their health insurance status can sign up for Renee and their new prescription program.

Renee Dua, M.D.

Renee Dua, M.D.

“We’re not looking to make a hefty markup on what is already marked up. We're looking creating an experience of engagement for consumers of healthcare,” Dua, chief strategy officer at Renee, said in an interview. “Members are getting their medications. And they’re getting the support they need to stay on those medications and get better.”

The drugs offered include, for example, generic medications for women’s health, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, anxiety and depression, COPD, asthma, arthritis, dermatological drugs, antibiotics, antifungals.

Dua said the company is not releasing information about the partner that is providing the generic drugs. “We’re not a pharmacy. We are working with third parties to deliver these medications and help our members transition to pharmacies that will offer these services.”

On the digital health assistant side, Renee asks members for their insurance to help them navigate their plan coverage. For example, insurance may cover meals delivered to your house or transportation services, and patients have no idea, Dua said.

“We want to recreate the caregiving experience using software,” she said. “Healthcare is not just taking medication. Healthcare is taking medication and getting the wellness from that medication. And that’s where the personal health assistant comes in.”

Founded in 2021, Renee is supported by $8.2 million in venture investments from Quiet Capital, Tau Ventures, Mucker Capital, Fika Ventures and the AARP’s Age-Tech Collaborative. In the future, Renee will work with labs and imaging centers they can refer members to, Dua said.

The idea for the Renee personal assistant came from Dua’s own experience managing the healthcare for her and her husband’s parents. “As they’ve gotten older, that job has taken on a life of its own. And at one point, I said that I've got to automate myself. So many of the things that I am doing can be done with software, but it’s just not built yet.”

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