Cancer Treatment: Test Your Knowledge


Cancer comes in different varieties and with different rates of occurrence. Test yourself on these facts about blood cancers.

Cancer comes in different varieties and with different rates of occurrence. Test yourself on these facts about blood cancers.

Question 1



Correct answer: B. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)Question 2


Correct answer: C. Both A and B

Question 3


Correct answer: C. Both A and B

Question 4


Correct answer: B. NHL occurs about eight to nine times as frequently as HL

Question 5


Correct answer: B. Lower than for Hodgkin lymphoma

Question 6


Correct answer: E. All of the above

Question 7


Correct answer: B. They comprise a broad range of histologic types

Question 8


Correct answer: C. Between 500,000 and 750,000

Question 9


Correct answer: A. Lower than for Hodgkin Lymphoma

Question 10


Correct answer: C. It is usually fast growing

Question 11


Correct answer: B. Two (2) percent

Question 12


Correct answer: D. Women are more likely than men to develop lymphoma.

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