In this first of a two-part video series, Briana Contreras, associate editor of Managed Healthcare Executive spoke with Dr. Sheldon Fields Associate Dean for Equity Inclusion and Research Professor in the College of Nursing at Penn State University, about the ongoing All of Us research program. All of Us is an initiative through partners of the National Black Nurses Association, which Fields is vice president of, and the National Institutes of Health that invites one million people across the U.S. to help build one of the most diverse health databases in U.S. history.
ISPOR: Are Value-based Programs Finishing What Fee-for-Service Couldn't?
May 17th 2021Dr. Vivian Lee of Verily Life Sciences addresses if value-based care programs have steered U.S healthcare away from the problems of fee-for-service at a virtual ISPOR meeting today. Lee also shares her thoughts on if the pandemic changed her views of American healthcare.
Work, Life Balance Tips for Parents From Maven VP of People Karsten Vagner
April 29th 2021Vagner shares best work/life balance practices for parents during a new phase of COVID-19 as their children are back in school. The vice president of People at Maven, a virtual clinic for women's and family health, also shares some well-being tips that work for him as a parent.
Brooks, senior medical director of Independence Blue Cross in Philadelphia, was a key member of the team that created a health awareness campaign launched earlier this month in cooperation with local radio station WURD and other partners including the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, the Independence Blue Cross Foundation, Penn Medicine, Labcorp, and the Health Care Improvement Foundation. The campaign, called “Go To Know,” sets out to increase colon cancer screenings among African Americans by providing free Fecal immunochemical, or FIT, tests.
Advice for Aspiring Minority Healthcare Professionals Who Seek C-Suite Positions
April 8th 2021In this final video of three-part video interview series, MHE spoke with founder and CEO of Gray Matter Analytics. In the discussion, Sheila addressed the topic of how healthcare organizations are missing out by not actively expanding their efforts to seek out and fast track talented individuals across many minority populations, especially in the c-suite.
The Importance of Providing Guidance for Businesses Through the CMO Role
April 7th 2021In this second video of a two-part video series, MHE spoke with Dr. Ami Parekh, chief medical officer of Grand Rounds. Ami discussed the rise of the chief medical officer role, how businesses can benefit from it and what it means for the future of the C-suite. She also explained why it is so essential for businesses to provide advice and clinical guidance to help best keep operations running safely.
How to Broaden Hiring Efforts for a More Diverse Healthcare System
April 6th 2021In this second of three-part video interview series, MHE spoke with founder and CEO of Gray Matter Analytics. In the discussion, Sheila addressed the topic of how healthcare organizations are missing out by not actively expanding their efforts to seek out and fast track talented individuals across many minority populations, especially in the c-suite.
The Rise of the Chief Medical Officer Role
April 6th 2021In this first video of a two-part video series, MHE spoke with Dr. Ami Parekh, chief medical officer of Grand Rounds. Ami discussed the rise of the chief medical officer role, how businesses can benefit from it and what it means for the future of the C-suite. She also explained why it is so essential for businesses to provide advice and clinical guidance to help best keep operations running safely.
Sheila Talton Adresses Diversity Issues in C-Suite Positions and What Can be Changed
April 5th 2021In this first of three-part video interview series, MHE spoke with founder and CEO of Gray Matter Analytics. In the discussion, Sheila addressed the topic of how healthcare organizations are missing out by not actively expanding their efforts to seek out and fast track talented individuals across many minority populations, especially in the c-suite.
What's Taking Place in the Private Sector of Value-Based Payment? Francois de Brantes Explains
April 4th 2021In this final video of a four-part video series, Signify Health senior vice president of Episodes of Care, François de Brantes, speaks with Managed Healthcare Executive about value-based care, the toxic incentives in healthcare, how the Direct Contracting Model differs from Medicare Advantage and more.
Is the Direct Contracting Model Similar to Medicare Advantage? Francois de Brantes Has An Answer
April 2nd 2021In this third of a four-part video series, Signify Health senior vice president of Episodes of Care, François de Brantes, speaks with Managed Healthcare Executive about value-based care, the toxic incentives in healthcare, how the Direct Contracting Model differs from Medicare Advantage and more.
In this second of a four-part video series, Signify Health senior vice president of Episodes of Care, François de Brantes, speaks with Managed Healthcare Executive about value-based care, the toxic incentives in healthcare, how the Direct Contracting Model differs from Medicare Advantage and more.
The Toxicity in Fee for Service per Francois de Brantes
March 31st 2021In this first of a four-part video series, Signify Health senior vice president of Episodes of Care, François de Brantes, speaks with Managed Healthcare Executive about value-based care, the toxic incentives in healthcare, how the Direct Contracting Model differs from Medicare Advantage and more.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota on Forming an Equity Policy, According to Vayong Moua
March 29th 2021In this final part of a two-part video series, Senior Editor Peter Wehrwein spoke with Vayong Moua, the Director of Racial and Health Equity Advocacy for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBSMN), about healthcare equity issues, how they relate to access issues, the political determinants of health and killing of George Floyd.
Tobacco Control as a Model and Making Equity Analysis the Norm
March 26th 2021In this first part of a two-part video series, Senior Editor Peter Wehrwein spoke with Vayong Moua, the Director of Racial and Health Equity Advocacy for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBSMN), about healthcare equity issues, how they relate to access issues, the political determinants of health and killing of George Floyd.
The Struggle of Making an Effective SPMS Treatment Early on
February 7th 2021Thomas P. Leist, MD, PhD, says one of the things secondary progressive multiple sclerosis professionals struggle with is making the most effective treatment available to patients, very early on, most likely due to financial reasons.
Perry Cohen, CEO of The Pharmacy Group, Talks Countries' COVID-19 Responses
January 29th 2021In this second part of a two-part video series, MHE Senior Editor Peter Wehrwein and Associate Editor Briana Contreras speak with Perry Cohen, Pharm. D., CEO of The Pharmacy Group. Perry has been on MHE's Editorial Advisory Board for over 25 years and has contributed a number of interviews and guest articles toward the publication. In this discussion, Briana, Peter and Perry talked about Sweden, Japan and the United States' response to COVID-19 and Cohen addresses the U.S.'s response under the new President Joe Biden Administration.
Meet the Board: Perry Cohen of The Pharmacy Group Talks Current PBM Status
January 28th 2021In this first of a two-part video series, MHE Senior Editor Peter Wehrwein and Associate Editor Briana Contreras speak with Perry Cohen, Pharm. D., CEO of The Pharmacy Group. Perry has been on MHE's Editorial Advisory Board for over 25 years and has contributed a number of interviews and guest articles toward the publication. In this discussion, Briana, Peter and Perry talked about the current pharmacy benefits market as well as Sweden, Japan and the United States' response to COVID-19.