
April Gill


How Pharmacies Can Help Drive Health Equity

Pharmacists can administer vaccines and other types of acute care, such as prescribing antibiotics for strep throat, but they can do more. They can advocate for patients by asking targeted questions to direct them to appropriate resources and supply reliable information about Medicare and Medicaid plans and other coverage options.

Carol Amick


Three Things to Know About HIPAA Compliance

Most organizations aren’t HIPAA compliant and don’t understand rules and don’t understand protected health information requirements. Here are three ways to change that.

Andy Aroditis


Accounting for the Social Determinants of Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has revealed the importance of the social determinants of health.

Steve McNew


How Blockchain Can Transform Preventative Care

The technology can offer a secure, automated, and transparent system to streamline processes and promote activities that aid in preventative diagnostics.

Shyam Manoj


Five Ways to Win at HEDIS Compliance

As the shift to value-based payment accelerates, successful health organizations can take steps to build an effective quality management program that will improve HEDIS scores and deliver care quality and cost savings.

Mary Jane Konstantin, RN


4 Ways to Overcome Compliance Barriers

Healthcare treatment compliance can be difficult for patients facing other issues like unaddressed SDOH problems or mental health diseases. Here are four ways to engage those members.

Jessica Schiller, RN, BSN, MAS


Why Consumer Engagement Must Be a Whole-Person Solution

Offering multiple, segmented approaches to health can confuse consumers-and reduce engagement. Instead, focus efforts on comprehensive solutions.

Ila Sarkar


Analytics Help Payers Take a More Surgical Approach to Reimbursement

Surgery shouldn’t be the first step when considering treatment. Analytics can help the determine the best path that leaves patients healthier and payers with fewer costs.

Dan Danielson MS, RPh


Show Me The Data: Why Payers Need to See RWE Used in New Indication Approvals

Is real-world evidence up to the task of gaining new indications?

Kelly S. Backes, FSA, MAAA


Medicare Advantage Enrollment: Growth Expectations for Start-Ups

Enrollment impacts an MAO’s revenue and profitability and is a key driver to becoming successful. Here are ways to better understand enrollment potential for new organizations.

Julia M. Friedman, FSA, MAAA


Medicare Advantage Enrollment: Growth Expectations for Start-Ups

Enrollment impacts an MAO’s revenue and profitability and is a key driver to becoming successful. Here are ways to better understand enrollment potential for new organizations.

Clay Holderman


Stand Firm: Lean Into Bias Training

Battling racial bias in the workplace. How implementing an inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility training initiative can lead to better results in racial disparities within healthcare and beyond.

Jean Drouin


How Social, Behavioral Determinants of Health Can Enable Next-Gen Risk Stratification

While generally used at a population level, addressing SBDoH factors can and should be personalized to individuals.

Michelle Chiu


How Social, Behavioral Determinants of Health Can Enable Next-Gen Risk Stratification

While generally used at a population level, addressing SBDoH factors can and should be personalized to individuals.

Dan Brillman


How Technology Infrastructure Will Help Social Care Providers Transition to Value-Based Payment

The technologies bridging the gap between social care providers and medical care providers.

Dr. Jeffrey Scott


Value-Based Care Tackles Oncology Costs

Oncologists are under intense pressure to come up with cost savings-and many are turning to value-based care structures.

Ash Malik


Value-Based Care Tackles Oncology Costs

Oncologists are under intense pressure to come up with cost savings-and many are turning to value-based care structures.

Paul W. Mourning


New York Not-For-Profit Nursing Home Sales are Subject to Increased Scrutiny by the Attorney General

Due, at least in part, to the substantial increase in the number of sales of New York not-for-profit skilled nursing facilities to for-profit operators since 2015, the Charities Bureau of the New York State Attorney General is subjecting such transactions to increased scrutiny, including objecting to certain of such sales, increasing the time and cost associated with such transactions.

Stephanie Marcantonio


New York Not-For-Profit Nursing Home Sales are Subject to Increased Scrutiny by the Attorney General

Due, at least in part, to the substantial increase in the number of sales of New York not-for-profit skilled nursing facilities to for-profit operators since 2015, the Charities Bureau of the New York State Attorney General is subjecting such transactions to increased scrutiny, including objecting to certain of such sales, increasing the time and cost associated with such transactions.

Michael G. DiFiore


New York Not-For-Profit Nursing Home Sales are Subject to Increased Scrutiny by the Attorney General

Due, at least in part, to the substantial increase in the number of sales of New York not-for-profit skilled nursing facilities to for-profit operators since 2015, the Charities Bureau of the New York State Attorney General is subjecting such transactions to increased scrutiny, including objecting to certain of such sales, increasing the time and cost associated with such transactions.

Carla Balch


We Need a Better Clinical Trial Recruitment Process

Clinical trials hold great promise for advancing healthcare-but only if the right patients are found.

Kelly Munson


Delivering Value with Medicaid Managed Care

How MCOs are delivering value to Medicaid populations.

David E. Dahlquist


Healthcare Price Transparency: Reality or Mirage?

What are some of the implications of executive order on transparency in healthcare?

Adrianne K. Rosenbluth


Healthcare Price Transparency: Reality or Mirage?

What are some of the implications of executive order on transparency in healthcare?

Marina Brown


Opinion: Applying Lessons of Great Coaches to Motivate Members in Healthcare

How health professionals who use a coach’s mentality and ability to care for a patient can better impact their lives in the long-run.

Dr. Andrew Schneider


Opinion: Lower Patient Costs Don’t Have to Mean Lower Profits

How oncology practices can help reduce spending on cancer drugs-without compromising on patient care.

Kevin Keck, MD


Nine Ways Regional Health Plans Can Reduce Costs

Regional health plans can quickly reduce their costs by 4% to 5% while increasing member satisfaction.

Tara Vail


Electronic Health Record Adoption is Essential for Outpatient Surgery

To remain relevant in managed care, adoption of EHRs are crucial for outpatient surgery. Included are four reasons it's essential for surgery centers to adopt.

Nate Brogan


Baby Boomers and Millennials Want More Frequent Communication

Millennials and Baby Boomers aren't so different after all. 

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