Results of the American Society of Retina Specialists annual survey provide insight into opinions of its members and their current and future practice patterns.
Syfovre (pegcetacoplan) or Izervay (avacincaptad pegol)? Vabysmo (faricimab) or Eylea (aflibercept)? Eylea in 2 milligrams (mg) or the new, high-dose, 8-mg version? Sell out to private equity or stay independent?
Retinal specialists have many choices and practice patterns vary.
ASRS 2024 attendees study the results from this year's survey of the membership. Approximately 40% of the members responded.
Results of the American Society of Retina Specialists’ (ASRS) annual survey of its members were posted at the ASRS annual meeting this week. Nearly 40% of the ASRS’ members filled out the survey and most of the questions had slightly more than 1,000 respondents. ASRS members who practice in the U.S. accounted for approximately 75% of the responses.
Here is a sample of the questions the survey asked and highlights of how the U.S. members responded.
33.7% indicated between 1% and 10% of their patients, 10.9% indicated between 11% and 25%,and 6.5% indicated more than 25%. 17.4% indicated none because they do not believe the current therapies are warranted.
15.7% indicated that the reports had no enduring impact on their utilization, 37.3% indicated that they had diminished their use of Syfovre because of the reports, 11.5% indicated that they had stopped using Syfovre because of the reports, and 27.7% indicated that they hadn’t treated patients with Syfovre because of the reports and don’t plan to.
15.9% indicated that they would only incorporate Syfovre, 19.9% indicated that they would incorporate only Izervay and 37.2% indicated that they would incorporate both.20.5% indicated they would incorporate neither drug.
34% indicated that they would stop GA injections and switch to injections for wet AMD,49.5% said they would inject GA and wet AMD on separate visits, and 5.8% said they would inject the GA and wet AMD treatment at the same visit.
55.1% indicated Avastin (bevacizumab), 31% indicated 2-mg Eylea, 8.8% indicated Vabysmo, 1.8% indicated Eylea HD (the 8-mg dose), and 3%, a biosimilar.
61.2% indicated Eylea 2 mg, 27.7% indicated Vabysmo,5.1% indicated Eylea HD and 4.6%, a biosimilar.
22.2% indicated after less than three injections and 75.6% indicated between three and injections.
41.6% indicated Vabysmo, 38.8% indicated Eylea 2 mg, 14.2% indicated Eylea HD and 2.5% indicated Avastin.
80.6% indicated ability to improve vision and maintain visual acuity gains, 80% indicated long-term safety profile supported by real-world data, 60.6% indicated the ability to achieve more-complete fluid resolution than the standard of care, and 42.6% indicated ability to achieve more-rapid fluid resolution than the standard of care.
71.1% indicated improved drying, 65.8% indicated extended durability of treatment, 21.5% indicated improved visual acuity and 13.3% indicated that they had not seen any benefit.
70.5% indicated greater durability, 44% indicated improved treatment of recalcitrant patients, 43.3% indicated better drying effect and 15% indicated that they don’t see any benefit beyond the standard of care.
41.9% indicated that they would switch mainly their “difficult-to-treat” patients from Eylea to Eylea HD, 25.3% indicated that they would switch a minority of their patients on a case-by-case basis, 13.5% indicated that they would switch most of their Eylea patients to Eylea HD and 12.9% indicated that they do not plan to switch patients.
29.9% indicated that they had been approached but have no interest in selling, 22.8% indicated that they have already sold their practice, 19.2% indicated that they haven’t been approached and have no interest and 4.4% indicated that they had been approached and are in the process of selling
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Results from retrospective real-world studies presented at American Society of Retina Specialists annual meetiing put the risk of retinal vasculitis from Syfovre at 1 in 1,330 patients. But other results presented at the meeting supplied evidence that Syfovre fends off vision loss caused by geographic atrophy, an advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration.
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