Predictions for this year from Perry Cohen, Pharm.D., CEO of the TPG Family of Companies and Managed Healthcare Executive editorial advisory board member.
The government’s role in impacting healthcare will be huge in 2025. The Trump administration’s primary objective is focused on undoing the work of previous administrations. They will disrupt healthcare delivery and financing by having people in leadership positions driven by politics and ideology who are not knowledgeable about and committed to the importance of evidence-based science and equitable social policy in advancing and regulating healthcare. HHS, the CDC, the FDA and the National Institutes of Health will lose considerable expertise and become dysfunctional.
Access to healthcare will decrease due to undermining or eliminating the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Decreased funding for Medicaid will mean tighter requirements for enrollees. The tightening will be more severe in red states.
Quality of healthcare will decrease due to political and ideology-driven policy at both the federal and state levels due to the changes in Congress and at HHS and the impact of the Supreme Court’s Chevron decision. The out-of-pocket cost of healthcare will skyrocket for patients due to reductions in the ACA, Medicaid and cheap versions of health insurance with limited coverage. Medicare will prioritize Medicare Advantage plans over fee-for-service care, and for-profit healthcare companies will be the beneficiary.
Sarepta Announces Positive Results for Elevidys, Gene Therapy for Duchenne
February 12th 2025Results show improved functional outcomes for people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy who are ambulatory. Elevidys, which is priced at $3.2 million per dose, produced $821 million in net product revenue for the company in 2024.
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Breaking Down Health Plans, HSAs, AI With Paul Fronstin of EBRI
November 19th 2024Featured in this latest episode of Tuning In to the C-Suite podcast is Paul Fronstin, director of health benefits research at EBRI, who shed light on the evolving landscape of health benefits with editors of Managed Healthcare Executive.
Updated: CVS Health’s Medical Benefit Ratio Increases But Company Sees Better Path for 2025
February 12th 2025CVS Health’s healthcare benefits segment, which includes Aetna, had medical benefit ratio of 92.5% in 2024, because of higher utilization, an unfavorable impact of Medicare Advantage star ratings payment and higher levels of care in Medicaid.
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In this latest episode of Tuning In to the C-Suite podcast, Briana Contreras, an editor with MHE had the pleasure of meeting Loren McCaghy, director of consulting, health and consumer engagement and product insight at Accenture, to discuss the organization's latest report on U.S. consumers switching healthcare providers and insurance payers.